It's Easy to Support the HLFM

We need your help to keep the market growing, and to support how we give back to the community.

We Need Your Help

Thank you for supporting the Historic Lewes Farmers Market, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to growing small sustainable farms in the Delmarva, to bringing fresh local products into our market, and to making those products available to our entire community. Contributions to the Historic Lewes Farmers Market are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Please check with your personal tax advisor regarding the deduction of your gift.

Your donations will help support the farmers market and how we give back, including the Farmer Scholarship Program, SNAP (food stamps) Match at the Market, and our HLFM Food Pantry Collection Program.

Photo by Name

How We Give Back

Learn about our various programs.

3 Easy Ways to Help

Stock and Remembrance Gifts

We now accept stock donations. You may also honor the memory of someone special with a donation in remembrance. We’ll notify their loved ones of your gift. For more information on stock or remembrance gifts, please contact us at 302-644-1436 or

Market Sponsorships

Would you or your company like to sponsor the Market? Please contact us at 302-644-1436 or